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Find a Linux or Unix process (PID) based on port

Today I ran into a problem where I wanted to find out what Linux process (PID) was listening on which port. You might A fellow sysadmin coworker showed me this command: lsof -i :port Lsof will list the PID and…

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How to configure VLANs in Linux

This link from the Redhat knowledge base talks all about it. Here’s the list of steps and pointers I had to go through. 1. Make sure that the 8021q module is loaded modprobe 8021q 2. This step is important as…

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Most useful commands used in TOP

Top is amongst the most comprehensive and informative process display command in Linux. There’s no reason for a seasoned Linux sysadmin like myself not to know it! Top can display all the information you need to know about processes and…

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Useful ways to use the Linux “find” command

In my Linux life, I find myself trying to search for files quite frequently. All distributions comes with a very handy command called ‘locate’ which helps you search for the file. What it does is Linux keeps an index and…