
How to clean up old images on IOS XE

Problem If you ever run into the following error messages: %Error copying usbflash0:cat3k_caa-universalk9.SPA.03.06.04.E.152-2.E4.bin (Not enough space on device) or % flash: requires 295884 KB of free space, but only 167160 KB is available. Operation aborted. You’ve run out of disk…

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Speed problems between a Cisco router and server

When plugging a workstation, server or PC directly behind a Cisco router, you might notice that you may experience speed problems. Why am I not able to get the full 100Mbps speed? I had run into this problem while deploying…

How to clear CLI screen on ASA and IOS?

Problem: How do you clear CLI screen on ASA? Solution: Answer: You CAN’T! In case you came here asking for the clear CLI screen on IOS. Answer: You CAN’T! SecureCRT I wished there was a way to clear the CLI…

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Cisco IOS HSRP Problem – More than one Active router

HSRP is commonly used as a router failover mechanism, where one router in the group is active and all other group members are in standby. A standby router will take over as the active router when connectivity to the active…

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Cisco VLAN ACL using VLAN access maps

On Cisco IOS, ACLs can be applied in many different types of interfaces. The most commonly used is a Layer 3 interface. This includes physical, logical, or VLAN SVI interfaces that you can assign an IP to. ACLs can be…

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Cisco Portable Product Sheets

Cisco portable product sheets are documents containing Cisco’s summary of various product comparisons and performance specifications. This includes a comparison of all Cisco’s switches switching performance, router routing performance, device VPN and encryption performance numbers, memory guildlines and more. This…

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Cisco SPAN, SNMP and Wireshark

Today I was assigned a task to find out and explain a certain network anomaly we are experiencing in our network. The mission started out to be a bandwidth monitoring task against a specific router. This router however was owned…