
SANS – SEC401 Security Essentials Day – 4

Security 401.4 – Secure Communications Day 4 was Crypto day. Brutal for those who are first timers and definitely not a breeze even if you’re a seasoned sysadmin. How many professionals even know the difference between Asymmetric and Symmetric encryption?…

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Cisco ASA VPN filter tips and misc

Cisco ASA VPN filters are relatively simple to setup. However there are a few things you should know before you start configuring them. Since version 7.0(1) sysopt connection permit-ipsec is enabled by default. Meaning VPN traffic bypasses interface access-lists (Version…

How to enable Cisco Anyconnect VPN through Remote Desktop

Problem: RDP not working over VPN? Getting this error message? VPN Establishment capability from a Remote Desktop is disabled. A VPN Connection will not be established. Solution: By default, VPN establishment capability is disabled once you remote into a remote…

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Cisco Portable Product Sheets

Cisco portable product sheets are documents containing Cisco’s summary of various product comparisons and performance specifications. This includes a comparison of all Cisco’s switches switching performance, router routing performance, device VPN and encryption performance numbers, memory guildlines and more. This…